Every time a service configuration file is imported using "import-service-config", a config-name is provided at the time of import.
Below are the steps to export a specific service configuration:
1) In a web browser, log in to the Spotfire server.
2) Click Node and Services, and then the service you are interested in e.g for the below screenshot, the service configuration used is TestWP
NOTE- You can get the list of all the Service Configurations using the command list-service-configs or by clicking on the Edit button
3) Export the Service configuration >>
config export-service-config --config-name=<Config-file-name>
e.g. in the above case, we need to export the service configuration "TestWP" which is the current service configuration, but any from the list-service-configs can be used
config export-service-config --config-name=TestWP