How to find full SDMS server URL that can be used when enabling this component in TIBCO Statistica Enterprise Manager?

How to find full SDMS server URL that can be used when enabling this component in TIBCO Statistica Enterprise Manager?


Article ID: KB0076479


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.3 and higher


NOTE: Adding the URL is optional. By default, SDMS will be enabled by just enabling the option to enable SDMS Integration (See: ). The server URL option is handy when multiple environments with multiple SDMS installations exist. Setting this URL may define the SDMS integration explicitly to the environment and SDMS server of choice. 

Once Statistica Document Management System (SDMS) is installed, Server URL string will be automatically present in SDMS Client/ Explorer. Open SDMS Explorer and when asked to login with Windows Integrated login click no, another window will appear, go to Options>>Manage>>Modify:
User-added image
Copy the URL string, open Enterprise Manager, go to System Options>>SDMS Integration>>Server URL (optional) field, paste the string, check Enable SDMS Integration and commit the changes:

User-added image

Server URL should look like this: "http://SERVERNAME:80/SDMS/SDMSSOAPServer.dll?Handler=Default"



SDMS server URL

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