How to find out the number of named users licenses set on the Spotfire Server.

How to find out the number of named users licenses set on the Spotfire Server.


Article ID: KB0070189


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 11.4 and Higher


Spotfire Administrators may at times need to fetch the information of the number of Spotfire users set on the Server and their licenses.
This makes it easy for system administrators to ensure they are deploying the Spotfire licenses to the correct number of named users for each product license.


This article talks about how to get the summary of how many user that have been assigned Spotfire named users licenses, such as Spotfire Analyst, Spotfire Business Author and Spotfire Consumer.




In Spotfire 14 and above:

Spotfire 14 introduces a new cli command show-named-users-licenses that makes it much easier to retrieve this information. Use this command to list the number of unique named users for certain licenses on the server.

Example Image: 
User-added image

In Spotfire Server versions lower to 14:

The cli command show-licenses can be used. This command helps extract detailed information about licenses and users.
Example Knowledge Base article:  How to get a list all users with "Spotfire Analyst" license from the Spotfire database

Additional Information

Doc: show-named-users-licenses
Doc: show-licenses