How to find out who changed a privilege on a specific TIBCO Data Virtualization resource (and when)?

How to find out who changed a privilege on a specific TIBCO Data Virtualization resource (and when)?


Article ID: KB0073987


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0 and higher


How to find out who made a privilege change on a specific TIBCO Data Virtualization resource (and when)?


How to find out who changed a privilege change on a specific TIBCO Data Virtualization resource (and when)?


Whenever privileges are changed on a resource, TIBCO Data Virtualization writes an entry of the type "Updated privileges" to cs_server_events.log. This entry provides the name of the person who changed privileges on the resource and the time at which they did so.

For instance, let us say that a user  ann_jones updated a privilege on   /shared/test_folder.
                         User-added image

cs_server_events.log will contain an entry of the type below:

2021-01-07 14:25:57.096 -0800    INFO    UPDATE    Updated privileges of jason_white in domain=composite on resource=/shared/test_folder    0     ann_jones    composite    20011    6429519828385    6429519828385    jason_white    /shared/test_folder     composite

The entry tells us that   ann_jones changed a privilege on  /shared/test_folder  on January 07, 2021 at  14:25:57

The entry also shows that  jason_white is the owner of  /shared/test_folder.

Note that the entry does not provide details on:
  • What specific privilege change was made (for instance, was it a WRITE, SELECT, GRANT or some other privilege?)
  • Whether the privilege was added or removed.
If the above particulars are required, it is necessary to contact  ann_jones and ask her to provide them.