Products | Versions |
Spotfire Statistica | All versions of Statistica |
The network license file, STAT.lic (also stat.lic), is located in the FLEXlm folder on the server where the license service is installed. The typical location is:
<local drive>:\Program Files (x86)\StatSoft\FLEXlm\ or <local drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\FLEXlm\ or <local drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Statistca\FLEXlm\
To locate the license file on Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008:
1. Click Start | Computer (or My Computer)
2. Double-click on the C: drive icon
3. Double-click on Program Files (x86) folder [or Program Files on a 32 bit server]
4. Double-click on the StatSoft (Dell or Statistica) folder
5. Double-click on the FLEXlm folder
The contents should be similar to the following and contain the license file (STAT.lic):
To located the license file on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2016:
1. If not at the desktop location, press and hold the Windows icon key and then press the 'D' key
2. Click on the File Explorer folder in the taskbar:
3. The File Explorer will display options
2. Double-click on the C: drive icon
3. Double-click on Program Files (x86) folder [or Program Files on a 32 bit server]
4. Double-click on the StatSoft folder (may be named Dell or Statistica)
5. Double-click on the FLEXlm folder:
The typical location of the license file is:
64-bit Installs:
C:\Program Files\StatSoft\STATISTICA (version #) or C:\Program Files\Dell\Statistica (version#) or C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica (version #)\
32-bit Installs:
C:\Program Files (x86)\StatSoft\STATISTICA (version #) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\STATISTICA (version #) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\Statistica(version #)
To locate the license file on Windows 7:
1. Click on Start | My Computer
2. Double-click on the C: drive icon
3. Double-click the Program Files folder [or Program Files (x86) folder for 32 bit installs]
4. Double-click on the StatSoft folder
5. Double-click on the STATISTICA (or Statistica) folder
6 Click the 'Type' button at the top to sort by type and scroll to locate the stat.lic file:
To find the license file on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10:
1. If not at the desktop location, press and hold the Windows icon key and then press the 'D' key
2. Click on the File Explorer folder in the taskbar
3. Double-click on the C: drive icon
4. Double-click the Program Files folder [or Program Files (x86) folder for 32 bit installs]
5. Double-click on the StatSoft folder
6. Double-click on the STATISTICA (or the Statistica) folder
7. Click the 'Type' button at the top to sort by type and scroll to locate the stat.lic file: