How to force installation of required packages in TERR

How to force installation of required packages in TERR


Article ID: KB0083383


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R All


How to code TERR data functions so that any packages needed are installed automatically in the background prior to execution of the data function's TERR script.


Set up data function to install package in TERR if not already present


Product: TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) Version: All supported versions OS: All supported Operating Systems


Add the following line of code to the beginning of your code:

if (!require(packageName)) install.packages("packageName")

The require() function looks to see if the package is available, i.e. installed, and if it isn't it will trigger the install.packages() function call.

Additional Information

More information is provided on the require() and install.packages() functions in the TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) help files that are opened in a web browser when the following commands are issued in a TERR Console session:
