How to import a custom node into Statistica Workspace's Node Browser ?

How to import a custom node into Statistica Workspace's Node Browser ?


Article ID: KB0073571


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.1 to 13.6


Statistica has a wide range of nodes. There may still be business use case that is unique to an environment that requires a node that is custom to be written. Some guidelines to convert macros into Custom nodes is detailed here : . In the reference section, there is documentation on how users can write themselves a new node from Scratch and there are SVB examples that are shipped with the product located in [Statistica Install folder]\Examples\Nodes. This article assumes that a custom node with its two components - dmi and svx are available in a folder and discusses how this custom node can be imported into the node browser and propagated to other users.


How to import a custom node into Statistica Workspace's Node Browser ?


For the purpose of this article, we will use a node from the Examples folder. But the same steps may be repeated for any custom node as long as the dmi file and the svx file are placed in the same folder.

1. Place the .dmi and .svx files in the same folder. For this article, we'll use the Cardinality node that is packaged with the Statistica Node examples and is located in : [Statistica Install folder]\Examples\Nodes.
2. Open a new Workspace. When prompted for data source, select files and navigate to : [Statistica Install folder]\Examples\Datasets\Characteristics.sta
3. Click on Node Browser on top of the workspace.

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3. Choose the folder where you would like to Import the node. For this example, Cardinality is Basic Statistics so we'll simply use the default Basic Statistics Folder.
4. Click on Nodes>>Import New Node>> Navigate to [Statistica Install folder]\Examples\Nodes>>Choose Cardinality.dmi and Open. This will import the node into the Node browser. Note that if you were importing another custom node, you can browse to the location of that node and pick the dmi file. Alternatively, the dmi and svx file can be downloaded from the attachments of this article and be placed in the same folder.

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5. Double click on the node to insert the node into the Statistica Workspace. The cardinality node outputs mode and Valid % of observations for each Dependent categorical variables chosen in the data set.

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Once imported this node will be available in the node browser for future use. It will also be available in the Feature Finder of Statistica (top right corner) or in the Node browser folder it was imported for this user.

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So the custom node is available now to the user who imported it. How can this be propagated to other users ?

Obviously, all users may Import the Node as detailed above. Alternatively, the user who imported the node may simply close the Statistica instance and distribute the file - NodeBrowser.xml from their user profile.

This file will typically be located in :  C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\StatSoft\STATISTICA\[Statistica version]. This file needs to be copied into another user's profile if multiple users are using the application from the same Application Server/ Citrix Server. If this is done on workstations, care should be taken that the path of the custom node's dmi and svx remains valid across machines. i.e the customnode.dmi and customnode.svx needs to be copied to the same path as was on workstation that imported it first. It is usually a good idea to backup of the other user's node browser as shown below:

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Note that alternatively if the node was required only one time use, it could alternatively be stored as template either in Enterprise or the already stored templates/ example workspace stored in disk. This means that for rare usage, a workspace that already contains the node can be opened and the node can simply be copied from one workspace to another.

For example, if we wanted to Get data from Amazon S3, we could use the already defined "Get Data" template and copy it into a new workspace.

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Or it can be copied from a template stored in Enterprise Manager or a file stored in disk (for instance, the example workspaces could be used as a template) as shown below :

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Additional Information

How to write Custom SVB Nodes?
General Scripting Nodes
Guidelines to convert a macrio into a SVB node in a workspace


How to import a custom node into Statistica Workspace's Node Browser ? get_app
How to import a custom node into Statistica Workspace's Node Browser ? get_app