By default the log configuration file is not available and the log file is not created.
Below are the instructions to enable logging and update the max number of backup log file
- Logon to the Analyst Client
- Goto Help/Support Diagnostics and Logging
- Select tab Logging
- Set the logging level as required
- Select the check box "Make this the default log level for future sessions"
- Click on Open Folder
- Go one folder up and into "Settings" folder
- Make a copy of the file Spotfire.Dxp.Gen.log4net.config.DO.NOT.EDIT to rename it to log4net.config in the same folder
- Edit log4net.config, and update the maxSizeRollBackups value, where the default is set to "0"
- Save the file
- Restart the Analyst client
- The file C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\TIBCO\Spotfire\<VERSION>\Settings\log4net.config can then be distributed for other Analyst clients.