How to increase the number of rows returned from TIBCO Data Virtualization when using Power BI connector?

How to increase the number of rows returned from TIBCO Data Virtualization when using Power BI connector?


Article ID: KB0073252


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


By default, Power BI fetches 10000 rows from TIBCO Data Virtualization (TDV) for the published resources. Here are the steps to increase this limit.


This article includes steps to increase the number of rows returned from TIBCO Data Virtualization when using Power BI connector.


1. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.

2. Select the DSN created using Power BI connector and click on Configure.

3. Change the following values as per your requirement to get the number of rows returned from TDV.
Direct Query Limit - Change to a higher value
Fetch Bytes - Increase the bytes fetched.
Fetch Rows - Increase the row limit.

4. Click OK.