How to install a BusinessConnect hotfix in with silent mode.

How to install a BusinessConnect hotfix in with silent mode.


Article ID: KB0079476


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect BC 6.X.X


The user wants to install bc 6.X.X-<hotfix_version> with silent mode 
and wants to choose profile name "Interior Server Only" or "Gateway Only".
What entries need to add in the .silent file in order to go from "typical" to "Interior Server Only" profile?


How to install a BusinessConnect hotfix in with silent mode.


Please add below properties into TIBCOUniversalInstaller.silent file. 


<entry key="feature_Interior Server Hotfix <hotfix_version>_bc">true</entry>
<entry key="feature_Gateway Hotfix <hotfix_version>_bc">true</entry>


We can installed bc 6.X.X-<hotfix_version> (with silent mode) on Interior Server by setting only <entry key="feature_Interior Server Hotfix <hotfix_version>_bc">true</entry>.

After that we can install bc 6.X.X-<hotfix_version> on Gateway Server by setting only <entry key="feature_Gateway Hotfix <hotfix_version>_bc">true</entry>.


For installing BC 6.4.0 HF1 with silent mode and to choose profile name "Interior Server Only" or "Gateway Only" the user needs to add below properties into TIBCOUniversalInstaller.silent file. 

<entry key="feature_Interior Server Hotfix 1_bc">true</entry>
<entry key="feature_Gateway Hotfix 1_bc">true</entry>

User can install BC hotfix (with silent mode) on Interior Server by setting only <entry key="feature_Interior Server Hotfix x_bc">true</entry>.

After that user can install BC hotfix (with silent mode) on Gateway Server by setting only <entry key="feature_Gateway Hotfix x_bc">true</entry>.