How to limit the file extensions that are allowed to be used in column link renderers in TIBCO Spotfire

How to limit the file extensions that are allowed to be used in column link renderers in TIBCO Spotfire


Article ID: KB0074508


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst All Versions


You can configure the column(s) values of TablePlot visualization to render as hyper links and by default users are allowed to open .hmtl and .htm files.
In order to allow the users to open other file extensions you need to set the "Allow Additional File Extensions" preference to true. If you only set this preference and leave the "Additional File Extensions" preference to empty then all the file extensions are allowed by default. If you want to limit the file extensions that are allowed, set the respective values in the "Additional File Extensions" preference.


This article provides the steps needed to limit the allowed file extensions in column link renderer (used in Table visualizations) in TIBCO Spotfire Analyst


You can limit the file extensions that are allowed in links using the "Additional File Extensions" preference, as documented below:
  1. Login to TIBCO Spotfire Analyst as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Tools > Administration Manager.
  3. Select Preferences tab.
  4. Select a group to which this setting should be applied. You can Select "Everyone" group if this setting is to be configured to all the users.
  5. Edit the Preferences.
  6. Select Application > Application Preferences > Additional File Extensions
  7. Add each file extension that should be allowed in a new line. For example .jpg, .png, .pdf
Note: The file extensions should be entered as " .fileextension". See the example image below:
User-added image

Additional Information

Doc: Administration Manager User's Manual