How to manage Rate Limit Headers in the response sent by TIBCO Cloud API Management?

How to manage Rate Limit Headers in the response sent by TIBCO Cloud API Management?


Article ID: KB0070981


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Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud API Management -


On the UI(Control Center or Configuration Manager), enabling the field "Include rate limit information in response headers" adds the Rate Limit information to the response sent to the client.


This article provides inputs about the Rate Limit Headers sent in the response by a proxy_worker or trafficmanager.


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Using MasheryAPI(V3 API), the field used to manage this field is "rateLimitHeadersEnabled"
- setting it to "true" enables the headers in the response
- the value of "false" disables the headers in the response

Here is a sample call for your reference:
curl --location --request PUT '<spkey_or_servicekey>/endpoints/<epkey_uuid>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest": 5,
"connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse": 10,
"numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow": 0,
"rateLimitHeadersEnabled": true