How to manage users using the TIBCO Statistica application in a CNET-type only (non-Enterprise) installation?

How to manage users using the TIBCO Statistica application in a CNET-type only (non-Enterprise) installation?


Article ID: KB0071088


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 14.1 and higher


The FLEXlm, or FlexNet, is no longer included with TIBCO Statistica v14.1, which means the Statistica License Manager service that controls the licensing check-ins/check-outs has been removed.  Also, the Licensing folder containing all the licensing components has been removed, which includes the corresponding lmgrd.log file,  which recorded the user and feature check-ins/check-outs.  Thus Software-enforced licensing has been removed.

Note: Customers must continue to follow the terms and conditions in the purchase agreement.  

What process can be used to limit or grant user access to TIBCO Statistica?


With the removal of the Concurrent License Manager and the lmgrd.log file, how can CNET users be managed?


OS: Windows


The following are some ways to limit the use of Statistica users.

With Active Directory

The IT staff, or system administrators, in any organization which uses Active Directory, can limit or grant access to users to TIBCO Statistica via Group Policy.  See these articles for more information;

Without Active Directory

For networks/computers that do not use Active Directory, use the Local Group Policy Editor via the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to restrict users from launching TIBCO Statistica. All other users without this restriction will be able to launch Statistica if Statistica is installed.    As an example, follow the steps below:

1.  Right-click on the Windows button and select 'Run'
2.  Type mmc.exe and click the OK button
3.  Click on File>>Add/Remove Snap-In...
Add Snap-in to Microsofot Management Console

4.  Add the Group Policy Object and the Group Policy Wizard will run:
Add Group Policy Object

5.  Click "Browse" and then click the Users tab
6.  Select the local user to deny access to Statistica, click Finish, and OK:

Add user to Local Policy
7.  In MMC, go to User Configuration>>Administrative Templates>>System:

Administrative Templates>System

8.  On the right pane, double-click on "Don't run specified Windows applications":

Enable Don't run specified windows applications

9.  Enable and add Statist.exe:

Add statist.exe to disallow list

Statistica cannot launch for user1:

Can't launch Statistica

Note:  Multiple policies can be applied in the same MMC console.


Additional Information

Other references: