How to mitigate Log4J Vulnerabilities in TIBCO Fulfillment Provisioning sample ex30
Article ID: KB0072168
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TIBCO Fulfillment Provisioning
Currently, TIBCO Fulfillment Provisioning (FP) ex30 located (SW_HOME/distrib/kabira/kpsasample/samples/ex30) provides a sample how to integrate TIBCO FP within TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management. This sample also includes a OSSJ Webservice that has a dependency on log4j 1.2.17.
The aim of this article is to provide all the steps to upgrade this log4j dependency to log4j 2.17.1.
ex30 is a FP example including : * FOM Client Adpater * OSS/J JMS-Profile Client Adapter (EMS) * OSS/J WS-Profile Client Adapter * FPOMS
*********** Environment *********** In order to deploy OSS/J OrderManagement WS-Profile, the user must export the following variables : SAMPLE_JAVA_HOME: a directory where to find JAVA >= 1.6 (uses $JAVA_HOME/bin/java) MAVEN_HOME: a directory where to find Maven (uses $MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn) EMS_HOME: a directory where to find TIBCO EMS (uses $EMS_HOME/lib/tibjms*.jar) GNU_TAR: a path to the GNU tar command (used to extract Jetty and Symphony) USER_WGET: a path the wget command
This article contains resolution and mitigation steps how to upgrade Apache Log4J 1.2.x to Log4j 2.17.x in TIBCO Fulfillment Provisioning sample ex30.
Linux x86_64
The instructions below explain how to upgrade log4j dependency.
Step 1) Due to Maven HTTPS restriction, the MAVEN_HOME variable must point to at least maven 3.6.3 version.
Step2) The log4j dependency to 1.2.17 is located under the pom_dl_deps.xml. This file is delivered within the ossjomws client adapter. You will find it in SW_HOME/distrib/kabira/kpsa/samples/ca/ossjomws. The pom_dl_deps.xml is a maven POM file which is used to download the war dependencies from public Maven repository
Here are the steps to be done. The 3 dependencies "slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, and log4j" need to be replaced by "log4j-slf4j-impl and log4j-core". We also recommend to add the javax.jms-api.