How to modify TRA files for the TEA deployment

How to modify TRA files for the TEA deployment


Article ID: KB0071650


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.0.0, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0


When deploying BE application with the BE-TEA-Agent, the required changes in be-engine.tra file does not reflect to application tra files.


Describes the steps needed to update the TRA files for TEA deployment


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To apply the required changes, modify the tra file in TEA-Agent-repo folder (BE_HOME/teagent/repo/HR_<id>.tra) or Update the master tra file for the deployed application.It is required to Un-deploy and re-deploy the application after making changes. 

Note: To find the id of the HR_<id>_*file, go to hostrepo.xml file where machine information is stored.