How to monitor faulty power supply on TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Appliance

How to monitor faulty power supply on TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Appliance


Article ID: KB0093809


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Appliance High-Performance Edition -


Each TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Appliance (EMSA) equips with two power supply units so that the EMSA can still function even with one of them being down. To maintain this redundancy, customers are suggested to implement monitoring on the faulty power supply unit on the EMSA.


Monitoring power supply unit on TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Appliance




First you need to configure the EMSA to export its syslog to a remote syslog collector. If it is not configured during setup time, one can configure it at a later point by setup-enable / syslog-config command from the EMSA CLI. The key word "ps_status_change" should be monitored for power supply status change events in the syslog. For example, the following is a sample log message when the one power supply lost power:
ps_status_change(11304) usec=648509 tz=-04:00 seq=2409770 category=system level=warn : Power supply 1 changed from ok to n/a

Note that this log message will not appear in emsa.syslog nor the local /var/adm/messages log. It is mandatory to configure the remote syslog collector to be able to see this message.