Products | Versions |
Spotfire Statistica | 13.0 and higher |
How to perform ANOVA analysis with nested experimental design?
Load Statistica example dataset Field.sta in Statistica (Field.sta located in C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 13\Examples\Datasets).
In this Field.sta dataset, "Growth" of corn is the dependent variable, categorical variable "Fertilizer" has 4 levels and "Field" has 2 levels. We are interested in four types of "Fertilizer" that were used in the corn experiment, but we only tested two fertilizers per field. Therefore, only two levels of the independent variable "Fertilizer" appear within the first level of the independent variable "Field", and only two levels of "Fertilizer" appear within the second level of "Field". The resulting design is that the first factor ("Fertilizer") is nested within the second factor ("Field").
1. go to "Statistics | Advanced Models | General Linear"
2. In the General Linear Model (GLM) dialog, select "Nested design ANOVA" as Type of analysis and "Quick specs dialog" as Specification Method. Click OK.
3. In the Nested Design ANOVA dialog, Click on "Variables" to specify dependent variable and categorical factors.
Click Ok.
4. In the Nested Design ANOVA dialog, Click on "Between effects" and specify the nested factors. Here Fertilizer is nested within Field.
Click OK to obtain the analysis result.
5. The Nested Design ANOVA result dialog, click on "All effects" to get the analysis result table. The nested effect of Fertilizer is termed as Fertilizer(Field).