1. Login as administrator on the machine where Statistica is to be pointed to a different DSN (Data Source Name).
2. Launch Control Panel>>System and Security>>Administrative Tools>>ODBC Data Sources (bit width of Statistica installation)
3. Click on System DSN tab. You will see the Statistica default DSN: SEWSS listed. Click on Add and enter credentials to connect to the Enterprise Database you intend to add.
4.Click OK twice and close the ODBC Data Sources dialog.
5. If Integrated login is enabled in Statistica Enterprise, hold down the shift key while launching Statistica/Statistica Enterprise Manager to bring up the login prompt.
6. Choose the non-default DSN that was defined in Step 3 and enter credentials necessary to login.
7. You may optionally make it user default DSN by enabling User default DSN checkbox while logging in. To make this system default DSN, launch Statistica /Statistica Enterprise Manager as an administrator while also holding the shift key and enable the option to 'Set as system Default DSN'