How to propagate Statistica options with StatOpts.xml and DefOpts.xml?

How to propagate Statistica options with StatOpts.xml and DefOpts.xml?


Article ID: KB0076704


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.3 and higher.


How can we propagate Statistica options using StatOpts.xml and DefOpts.xml?


How to customize Statistica options with StatOpts.xml and DefOpts.xml?


Windows operating systems only.


User Preferences made in Tools>>Options in Statistica menu are stored in the StatOpts.xml file.

This file is stored in the following location:  C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\StatSoft\STATISTICA\X.X.X.X.X\   (User's Store)

To propagate one user’s preferences to all users:

1.  Copy that user’s StatOpts.xml file to the Statistica directory on the server, and re-name it to DefOpts.xml.

2.  Delete all other user's StatOpts.xml files.  When a user installs Statistica for the first time, the settings from the DefOpts.xml file will be saved as that user’s new StatOpts.xml file. 

Note:  For locally installed application/program files, copy the DefOpts.xml file, from the server to the Statistica installation folder on the workstation, typically C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica <version#> or C:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\Statistica  <version#>.

Statistica reads the preferences from the DefOpts.xml file first and then over-rides them with C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica <version#>, a given user’s StatOpts.xml file.

Alternatively, do the following:

1. Make the desired changes, then close Statistica;
2. Save the StatOpts.xml file to some common location where all users would have access;
3. Make that copy of the StatOpts.xml file read-only;
4. Set all users Statistica shortcuts to have a command-line parameter to use the common StatOpts.xml file as follows:
 “C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 13\statist.exe” -statopts="C:\StatOpts\StatOpts.xml"

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