How to properly import an existing BW project contains BW SAP Plug-in configurations into a new BusinessStudio workspace

How to properly import an existing BW project contains BW SAP Plug-in configurations into a new BusinessStudio workspace


Article ID: KB0082404


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions 8.x


When importing an existing BW project which contains BW SAP Plug-in configurations into a new BusinessStudio workspace, the BW project must be exported to an archive file first then get imported into the new BusinessStudio workspace. Otherwise the input schema of the newly added BW SAP Plug-in activities will become invisible and non-configurable to the user.


How to properly import an existing BW project contains BW SAP Plug-in configurations into a new BusinessStudio workspace


All Supported Windows Platforms


Steps to export an existing project to an archive file:
1. Select "File -> Export" from BusinessStuido Menu in the old workspace.
Select Export project
2. Expend General folder and select "Studio Projects to Archive" in the Export window then click Next.
Studio Projects to Archive
3. Select the resources from the current project which need to be added to the archive file and assign the archive file name to "To Archive File" field then click Finish button to finish the exporting.
Finish Exporting

Steps to import an archived project into a new BusinessStudio workspace:
1. Select "File -> Import" from BusinessStuido Menu in the new workspace.
Import archived project
2. Expend General folder and select "Existing Studio Projects into Workspace" then click Next.
Select Import Project
3. Select "Select archive File" radio and enable the resources which need to be imported then click Finish button to finish the importing.
Assign Archive File


Additional Information

Input schema invisible, BW SAP 8.x, Invisible