1. Log on to WebStatistica and click File|Publish Document to Portal.
2. Click "Choose File" to upload a file from the file location.
3. Click "Upload" to upload the file.
4. Name the Output file (e.g "Histogram of TRANSPORT") and define the folder to store the output.
5. Select checkbox (Optional) at the bottom to move to the next step.
6. Define the user permission, e.g., a user named "JDoe" is granted "Read" permission to the published file "Histogram of TRANSPORT".
7. Click "Next" to proceed with viewing the final published output.
8. A Knowledge Portal user will be able to log on to WebStatistica to view files available in the portal directory.
Alternatively, after running any analysis in WebStatistica, the user can click "Publish" to publish the file to the knowledge portal.
After the output has been published to the portal, a "SWS_PORTAL" user could view the published items when logged into WebStatistica.