1. Download and install the ODBC driver for Amazon Athena, if it isn't already installed.
2. Launch Control Panel >> System and Security >> Administrative Tools >>System DSN tab and select the Simba Athena ODBC driver and click Configure .Alternatively, click Add and pick the Simba Athena ODBC driver
3. Enter connection details such as AWS region, Schema etc. Test the connection to ensure that you can connect to Athena
4. Within Statistica ( or Enterprise Manager) , create a new OLEDB database connection. From Statistica desktop, the user may choose File >> External Data >>Query >> Create (Within Enterprise Manager you may right click on Database connections and click on New Database connection)
4. Pick the Microsoft OLEDB provider for ODBC drivers and click Next.
5. Pick the Simba Athena Data Source that was defined in Step 3 from the list of ODBC connections. Enter credentials to authenticate (IAM Username and password - that corresponds to login to AWS)
6. Save the database connection as usual in Statistica and proceed to create a data configuration to pull data into Statistica. The details of performing this operation is detailed in Step 8 through 12 in the article: