How to push Hive2 "UNION DISTINCT" function in TIBCO Data Virtualization?

How to push Hive2 "UNION DISTINCT" function in TIBCO Data Virtualization?


Article ID: KB0077001


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TIBCO Data Virtualization All Supported Versions


When using the Hive2 Data Source, if the below error is received while executing a query in TDV Studio then follow the workaround mentioned in this article to resolve the issue.

No Push Reason: Cannot push union node because the data source Hive2 does not support UNION DISTINCT. 


How to push Hive2 "UNION DISTINCT" function in TIBCO Data Virtualization?


1. Navigate to the below path:
[TDV Server Installation Directory]\conf\adapters\system\apache_hive_2_x

2. Open the apache_hive_2_x_values.xml file using a text editor.
3. Append the below code to the file and save the file.
<ns27:attribute xmlns:ns27="">
3. A TDV server restart is required for the above changes to take effect.