How to remove a copied resource from a group

How to remove a copied resource from a group


Article ID: KB0072681


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus Applicable to all versions


If we try to remove resources from the resource group by right-clicking on that resource we only have the option to delete the resource. It deletes resources completely.
To remove the resources from the resource library we can follow the steps mentioned in the resolution.


If we copy central resources into the group and we want to remove them from the group this can be done using this article


Production And Test Environment


We can remove the resource from the resource group by using the below steps-
-- In Author client goto Tools-> Resources -> Resource Library
-- Go to the resource group and select the resources you want to remove from the group
-- Go to Resource menu and click on 'Remove Member'
This will remove the resource from the group without deleting the resource completely.

Additional Information

"Remove resource from group"


How to remove a copied resource from a group get_app