How to remove or replace existing YouTube URL for Tibco Training videos with new URL requested by user?

How to remove or replace existing YouTube URL for Tibco Training videos with new URL requested by user?


Article ID: KB0073579


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.3.0, 10.4.0


How to remove or replace existing YouTube URL for Tibco Training videos with new URL requested by user?


Replace/remove existing YouTube URL


Production and Test Environment


You can follow the below steps which will replace/remove Tibco Nimbus YouTube URL.

Steps to replace the URL:

--> Open "TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config\config.ini" file
--> Uncomment "VideoTutorials" parameter and add new URL which you want to replace with default YouTube URL.
     For Example, VideoTutorials=
--> Check the Web Client if the new URL is replaced or not.

Steps to remove the URL:
--> Go to the location \TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Main\ui\author\
--> Make a backup of the app.js file
--> Open app.js file and search for the Tibco Nimbus YouTube URL and delete it by keeping double quotes as it is.
--> Save the file and try clicking on the "Video Tutorials" link in Web Client, It will not be accessible.

Additional Information

URL replacement


How to remove or replace existing YouTube URL for Tibco Training videos with new URL requested by user? get_app