1.Goto https://cloud.tibco.com 2.Click on "Sign In" , on the top right corner. 3.On Sign into TIBCO Account screen please enter your Email Address and click Next. 4.You will see screen where you be will asked for Password , just below there is an option "Need help with Login ?" 5.Once you click "Need help with Login ?" ,you will see a Pop-up window with option "Reset Password" 6. Once you click "Reset password " you will get to Reset Password screen. FAQ: 1] For reset password some customer get "resumeURL : Invalid URL [Error code: 307]". See KB Article:000040729 : https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Reset-password-in-TIBCO-Cloud-fails-with-error-resumeURL-Invalid-URL-Error-code-307 Root Cause : If the customer directly goto Reset Password link https://accounts.tibco.com/storefront/#/resetpassword they will receive " resumeURL : Invalid URL [Error code: 307]" see screenshot below:
To avoid above error users should follow the correct sequence of step to access Reset Password : 1] User needs to go from https://cloud.tibco.com 2] Sign In ->Enter Email ->Click Next 3] Click "Need help with Login" 4] Click on Reset Password.
Avoid bookmarking reset password link or accessing it directly.