How to resolve "SSL Security Error" while using SQL Server with TLS 1.2 encryption in TIBCO Statistica?

How to resolve "SSL Security Error" while using SQL Server with TLS 1.2 encryption in TIBCO Statistica?


Article ID: KB0075458


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.4 and higher


How to resolve "SSL Security Error" while using SQL Server with TLS 1.2 encryption ? This error may be encountered either while querying a SQL Server with TLS1.2 encryption or while using SQL Server with TLS 1.2 as meta database for Statistica installation.

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Cause : The currently deployed Microsoft OLE DEB Providers for SQL may not support TLS 1.2 yet.  Please refer to Microsoft the SQL Server versions that support TLS 1.2: 


How to resolve "SSL Security Error" while using SQL Server with TLS 1.2 encryption in TIBCO Statistica?


1. If not already installed, download and install -  Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18.1 for SQL Server from :

2. On the Data Link Properties dialog prompted by the installer (or while creating a database connection), choose the new Microsoft OLEDB Driver for SQL Server (vs the Microsoft OLEDB Provider for SQL Server)

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3.  Enter the server details for the SQL Server database with TLS 1.2 enabled and Test Connection.

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The installer/ Database connection can proceed as usual then.

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