RESOLUTION 1: If the error is observed in Spotfire Analyst and if Statistica is not installed on the machine and the data function is running on the local engine but looking up a data function that exists in Statistica enterprise and the data function is not embedded in the Spotfire Analyst file this is expected in Spotfire Analyst. Use Spotfire Webplayer instance to run the Statistica data function or choose to use the Statistica embedded engine.
- DSN that connects to the Statistica Enterprise meta database in the Node Manager Server
- Statistica Service and Statistica integration packages should be installed
If the error occurs while using the remote engine (as detailed in Resolution 1) or via the Spotfire webplayer, ensure that enterprise is enabled in the file in Spotfire Node Manager.
The file is typically located at : C:\tibco\tsnm\10.7.0\nm\services\Statistica Service-[version-id]\conf folder on the Spotfire Node Manager Server.
Ensure that the below properties are set :
statistica.enterprise: TRUE
statistica.enterprise.user: admin
statistica.enterprise.password: ******
statistica.enterprise.server:DSN=[Name of DSN that connects to Statistica Enterprise meta database];UID=[dbuser];PWD=[dbpwd]
statistica.enterprise.server: DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=dbserver;DATABASE=databasename;UID=dbusername;PWD=dbpassword
Restart the Statistica service as detailed in : RESOLUTION 3: If the above step did not make a difference to the error, chances are the did not take effect.
1. Remote into Spotfire Server. Open a command prompt (preferably as an Administrator).
2. Navigate to C:\tibco\tss\[Spotfire Server Version]\tomcat\spotfire-bin directory.
3. Run : config.bat export-service-config --config-name=[Configname] --tool-password=[Bootstrap_Password] or alternatively run : config.bat export-service-config --capability=STATISTICA --deployment-area=[Deployment area] --tool-password=[Bootstrap_Password]
4. Navigate to : C:\tibco\tss\10.10.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root\conf on the Spotfire Server. This should have the and file used by the Statistica service.Make changes to file as detailed in Resolution 2 above and save the changes.
5. In command prompt, run :
config.bat import-service-config --config-name=enterprise-enabled --tool-password=xxx
6. You could either run the set-service-config command with the service name or in the Spotfire Administrator Console >>Nodes and Services>>STATISTICA >>Edit and change the configuration to the configuration name that you imported in step 5 and Save the configuration. Start the instances if necessary.
7. Click on Statistica Service. If there is a package available, then click on Update service and then Start all.