Products | Versions |
TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition | ML 5.5.1 |
Make sure you have access for modification of script inside the container :
docker ps
which shows TML container ID
Get inside the container :
docker exec -ti <conatinerID>/bin/bash
get inside the build files :
cd /var/jenkins_home/docker-build/tmgc/install
ls -ltr lists out the files.
we need to modify
Make a copy of the script file first then modify.
cp install-core-tools.sh_bkp
Open the script in vi and edit as below.
#Add below line
yum_install java-1.8.0-openjdk-
on top of
yum_install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel
It clears cassandra readiness check.
work around 2:
By modifying file at the readiness probe level by adding '-Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy', for nodetool to use the legacy way of connecting to rmi instead of the stricter way introduced in latest java version.
Build images again and try deploying the cluster, after making sure the new image version is updated in registry(nosql-pod-0.yaml).
Make sure old cluster is deleted.
Due to constant repo changes regarding java versions (or even other components) it will be hard for us/Engineering to validate every change to the image build process and its impact on deployment.
Note : Customers to do thorough testing on their non-prod clusters with these workarounds before implementing the change in production.