How to resolve "Task Execution timed out; most likely exceeded the configured Taskset maximum run time" in TIBCO Statistica?

How to resolve "Task Execution timed out; most likely exceeded the configured Taskset maximum run time" in TIBCO Statistica?


Article ID: KB0075420


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.5


When Monitoring And Alerting (MAS) taskset fails with an error "Task Execution timed out; most likely exceeded the configured Taskset maximum run time", the following approaches are recommended to resolve the timeout issue.


This article has recommendations for resolving MAS Taskset Timeout issues that is indicated by the error - "Task Execution timed out; most likely exceeded the configured Taskset maximum run time"


1. Increasing the timeout to a larger value in the taskset

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Note: If the taskset timeout value is already set at a significant larger number compared to the time it takes to run the taskset interactively, then hanging likely happens instead of a pure timeout issue.

2. Launch Component Services and navigate to My Computer>>COM+Applications, right click "STATISTICA Monitoring And Alerting Server Properties " and click "Pooling & Recycling" tab to adjust the following value:

a. Pool size: 16.
b. Expiration Timeout: 15 by default.
c. Activation Limit: try a large number, e.g. 1000
d. Everything else: 0

See reference for further details
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3. Space out the scheduled jobs in the MAS server so that the service is not trying to run too many tasks at the same time.

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