On Spotfire Node manager, navigate to : [Spotfire Node manager installation directory]\nm\services\Statistica Service-[Version]-[id]\conf\ directory and open statistica.properties file
Check if property "statistica.enterprise.spotfiredomain:" is enabled and has been set up with the right domain. If it is,check property "statistica.enterprise.prohibitedusermappings:" is enabled. Remove # on the property : "statistica.enterprise.prohibitedusermappings:" and remove the user that is being prohibited
Save the file and restart the Statistica service as detailed in :
https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-restart-the-Statistica-service-in-Spotfire-Adminstrator-Console If the error is still observed,configure the service to use the statistica.properties file that was saved as follows :
1. Remote into Spotfire Server. Open a command prompt (preferably as an Administrator).
2. Navigate to C:\tibco\tss\[Spotfire Server Version]\tomcat\spotfire-bin directory.
3. Run the command : config.bat import-service-config --config-name=[name] --tool-password=xxx