How to resolve error " Repository is not operational" while trying to restart the services of TDV.

How to resolve error " Repository is not operational" while trying to restart the services of TDV.


Article ID: KB0080080


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.6 and higher


While restarting TDV repository we may encounter below error.( command to restart repository is " ./ repo restart ")

Error :  Repository is not operational.

The  repository.log file gets updated with below error. 
2018-11-12 10:39:50.243 PST [  14747]LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2018-11-12 10:39:50.243 PST [  14747]LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2018-11-12 10:39:50.243 PST [  14753]LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
2018-11-12 10:39:50.243 PST [  14750]LOG:  shutting down
2018-11-12 10:39:50.261 PST [  14747]LOG:  database system is shut down

Root cause:
If there is any modification in the permission of repository folder ( in TDV installation directory) , causes the mentioned error in article.
Because of security reason postgres ( default repository of TDV)  , don't  allow any changes in the permission.

Permissions on the Data and Data_cache directory need to be 700 i.e u=rwx (Group and world should not have the access).

Note : The repository don't merely stops if the permissions have been changed. When we stop its service after the permissions have been changed then the service don't start hitting the error.




This article explains the root cause behind the error " Repository is not operational " caused while starting TDV services and solution for it.


All supported operating system.


To start the services for Postgres repository back again follow below steps :

1) we need to set the permission for the repository folder/directory to 700.
To make changes to entire folder,

For Linux  : we can use " chmod -R 700 < .path/your_file> "

For Windows :   Right click on folder and click on properties.
On upper tabs click on security.
Change the permissions for user and save the settings.

2) Now restart the service for repository using command " ./ repo start ".
( we need to run this command in " <installation directory / bin> " )

Note: It is not necessary that whole repository folder/directory should have 700 permissions.
data and data_cache folder/directory particularly need 700 permissions others can have permissions set to 755 according to the need of user.