How to save graph customization options by a macro recording in Spotfire Statistica?

How to save graph customization options by a macro recording in Spotfire Statistica?


Article ID: KB0070022


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0 and higher


This article demonstrates steps to save graph customization options by macro recording in the interactive mode. By doing this, you can apply the recorded scripts to any other new/existing graphs to get the same graph style. 


How to save graph customization options by macro recording?


OS: Windows


1. A scatterplot based on Adstudy.sta example data using "MEASURE05" and "MEASURE09" is created, as below:

Scatter plot graph

2. Double click the graph to access Graph Options dialog and select "Record macro" at the bottom:

Graph Option>>Macro

3. Start to customize the graph through various options under the Graph Options dialog

4. After all customization options are configured, click "OK" in the Graph Options dialog, then the customized graph and the recorded SVB macro will be prompted. For instance, the graph shown below is customized from the original scatterplot with the recorded SVB file "Macro1*" on the right

5. Save the recorded SVB macro with a new name

6. Open the existing graph or create the new graph that needs be applied with the customization option. For instance, a new scatterplot using "MEASURE06" and "MEASURE16" is made.

7. Open the saved SVB macro and click "Run Macro"

8. The new graph will be applied with the customized style:

Apply custom SVB macro to graph