How to send output from Panda data frames into Reporting documents and downstream in Python Node of a Statistica workspace?

How to send output from Panda data frames into Reporting documents and downstream in Python Node of a Statistica workspace?


Article ID: KB0076955


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.3 and higher


Python 2.x installation with pandas (or)
Python 3.x installation with pandas

This article discusses how we can export a data frame from Python pandas to a Statistica spreadsheet in Python node of a Statistica workspace. For the sake of simplicity, we'll assume that we take the incoming spreadsheet and pass it to the Reporting documents of the workspace.We will assign the Activedataset (input node) to a data frame with the statement : df = ActiveDataSet['Characteristics']

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How to send output from Panda data frames into Reporting documents and downstream in Python Node of a Statistica workspace?


To output to the Reporting documents of the workspace, add RouteOutput([name of dataframe variable],'[Name of Spreadsheet']). For this example, we will use : RouteOutput(df,'Characteristics'). To make the spreadsheet output available for downstream nodes of Python node, add RouteOutput(df,'Characteristics',AsDownstream = True) as shown below:

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