How to set the location of LiveView Table recovery files

How to set the location of LiveView Table recovery files


Article ID: KB0076900


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 10


In older versions of TIBCO StreamBase, the system-property setting "liveview.project.out" was used to specify the location of the recovery files when Table Persistence was enabled. This is no longer supported from TIBCO Streaming 10.4.0 and may prevent the application from starting.

What is the alternative way to specify the file location for table persistence?


Configuration guidance


Persisted LiveView tables have a Table Space Reference identifying a Table Space configuration. The Table Space definition has a Folder property which can take an absolute path to be used for the persistence and recovery file-store.


1. In the Table Space configuration (.lvconf file) along with settings:
  Persist Data -- enabled
  Restore Data On Start -- enabled
also set:
  Folder -- location of the persisted data

2. Set the LV Table configuration to reference the Table Space by name.

When Persist Data is set and Folder has a simple name (for example, "data"), the table persistence directory is inside the node at location (example):
This folder would be removed if the node directory is removed, losing the persisted data.

When Folder has an absolute path like this (example):
that location is used for the file-store. Make sure this path is available and writable by the user running the TIBCO Streaming server on all deployment systems. Use forward-slashes, '/', in the filename regardless of operating system. This folder is not removed when the node is removed.

When starting or re-starting a node a log message shows saying where the data was recovered from:
2019-10-21 11:33:37.726000-0400 [70388:OperatorThread(BizData.EngineFactory.EngineImpl.SnapQueryEP.CQEngine_write.
TablePersistenceModuleRef1.TableFromFile:1)] INFO  TableFromFile: Read 337 rows at 2,188 TPS from 

We also recommend that if you are persisting table-data that you also persist Alert and LVWeb configuration. If you are using the default H2 database storage, add to the LDMEngine HOCON configuration the setting (example):
    systemProperties = {
      "" = "../lvdata"  
This example places the storage directory parallel to the node directory, where it will survive when the node directory is removed and re-installed.

Note: LiveView Table persistence cannot be tested from a launch in Studio. Instead create an Application Archive project and run the application from the command-line to confirm table persistence is working as intended.