How to setup Hawk heartbeat plugin

How to setup Hawk heartbeat plugin


Article ID: KB0081690


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk 5.2.0, 6.0


TIBCO Hawk Heartbeat Plug-in is introduced from Hawk 5.2, and it is used to check the status of the various servers such as TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server and the Database server.

For now it has following options:
(0) Default Out-of-the-box Configuration
(1) Unsecured EMS Server Availability
(2) Secured EMS Server Availability
(3) FTP Server Availability 
(4) HTTP Server Availability
(5) Database Server Availability
(6) SMTP Server Availability

How to setup Hawk heartbeat plugin:
1. Follow the steps in Chapter 5 Heartbeat Plug-in Microagent : Installation and Configuration

Config for one type of server:
If only one type of server needs to be configured, then make sure you uncomment the required XML section, keeping the other sections commented.

Config for multiple types of server:
Some customer may have requirement to enable multiple types of servers(for example, EMS + Database + FTP) in one .hma file, they should copy all the required jar libraries path to one node/section in .hma file, and keep other sections commented.


How to setup/enable Hawk heartbeat plugin

Additional Information

heartbeat plugin