How to take subset of cases and create graphs with the case selection condition stated in the title?

How to take subset of cases and create graphs with the case selection condition stated in the title?


Article ID: KB0081730


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0 and above


This article explains how to take a subset of cases, defined by a case selection condition, and create graphs where the Case Selection Condition is explicitly stated in the title of the graphs.



How to take subset of cases and create graphs with the case selection condition stated in the title?


1. "Select Cases" buttons are available on all analysis and graph specification dialogs. Click this button to display the Analysis/Graph Case Selection Conditions dialog, which contains options to create conditions for which cases will be included (or excluded) in the current analysis. By default, whenever case selection conditions are used, a subtitle is appended to the graph that displays the selection condition.

2. Global Options controlling the display of selection conditions in graphs/spreadsheets are located under Tools|Options|Analyses/Graphs|Display|Display selection conditions.