How to track prior TIBCO Data Virtualization Studio users from events log?

How to track prior TIBCO Data Virtualization Studio users from events log?


Article ID: KB0074550


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.0 and higher


If there is a need to audit and track prior Studio users who logged into the TIBCO Data Virtualization (TDV) server, a view of the Studio's Sessions console may not be enough as it only displays the current users in the system.


This concerns auditing of Studio users.


To track prior users who are no longer logged in

To search for prior Studio login sessions, theĀ  /logs/cs_server_events.log and its archived logfiles can be utilized by scanning its contents for lines containing a:
"START session="
and then ending with:

Here is an example of a single entry from the cs_server_events.log, which represents the start of a Studio login session.

2020-10-07 16:06:48.299 -0700 INFO START session=2400622 started for user=admin in domain=composite 7 admin composite 20701 6408448033197 6408448033197 2400622 admin composite WEB_API

Another way to find the same result conveniently in the Studio UI would be to run this query in Sql Scratchpad or in a view:
select * from /services/databases/system/LOG_EVENTS where detail like '%web_api%' and type_name = 'start' and category = 'session'

but this result is limited to the most recent 100000 entries by default.

To increase the event log capacity, you could alter the file logging by modifying these lines from: /conf/server/

# no conversion pattern, event log has its own format
log4j.appender.EVENTS.File=C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.0/logs/cs_server_events.log

However, you need to consider how much you want to retain, in respect to disk storage usage. The file size capacity will in no way determine the number of exact days it can store.