How to uninstall BE software using silent file

How to uninstall BE software using silent file


Article ID: KB0071603


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.2.2


The silent uninstallation mode can be used to uninstall just TIBCO BusinessEvents from specific TIBCO_HOME or BE and all the TIBCO products under the TIBCO_HOME, depending on the option you choose the command should use a specific property and silent file, otherwise, you could see the following error:
invalid command line option: silent is not supported (1001) (403)

A sample .silent file used to uninstall just BE and a .silent file to uninstall BE and all the TIBCO products are attached to this article.


This article provides clear instructions to uninstall BE using silent mode.




A) To uninstall BE and all the TIBCO products follow the next steps:

1. Download the .silent file uninstall.silent.
2. Modify the path for key="uninstallTIBCOHome" with your TIBCO_HOME path.
3. In a command line go to the directory where you have the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64 executable. Usually, you can find it under TIBCO_HOME\tools\universall_installer, it can be run from any other directory, for example from the installer directory.
4. Run the following command (please replace the .exe in the command according to your operating system):
TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64.exe -silent -V responseFile="<silent File name>"  -V uninstallAllProducts="true"
set the "responseFile" equal to the absolute path to the file or place the .silent file in the same directory where you have the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64 and set responseFile="filename.silent".

B) To uninstall just BE follow the next steps:

1. Download the .silent file beuninstall.silent.
2. Modify the path for key="uninstallTIBCOHome" with your TIBCO_HOME path.
3. In a command line go to the directory where you have the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64 executable. Usually, you can find it under TIBCO_HOME\tools\universall_installer,  it can be run from any other directory, for example from the installer directory.
4. Run the following command (please replace the .exe in the command according to your operating system):
TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64.exe -silent -V responseFile="<silent File name>"
set the "responseFile" equal to the absolute path to the file or place the .silent file in the same directory where you have the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64 and set responseFile="filename.silent".

When the process finishes successfully for option B you will see the next:

1.If under TIBCO_HOME folder is just BE the process is going to clean up the folder (TIBCO_HOME), also it will be deleted if you are running the TIBCOUniversalInstaller from a different directory.
3.If under TIBCO_HOME folder is BE and other applications the process is not going to clean up the whole BE folder, because it is designed to clean up the TIBCO_HOME. Then you can delete the BE folder manually.


How to uninstall BE software using silent file get_app
How to uninstall BE software using silent file get_app