1) Stop all TSNM (TIBCO Spotfire Node Manager) services.
2) Login to the Spotfire Administration User Interface (Spotfire Server URL) as an administrator.
3) Go to Nodes & Services, then revoke the trust for all Nodes and delete the node entries from the "Untrusted Nodes" page.
4) Stop the TSS (TIBCO Spotfire Server) service.
5) On _each_ TSS machine, go to the following location and remove the keystore file:
[Installed Drive]\tibco\tss\7.x.x\nm\trust
6) On _each_ TSNM machine, go to the following location and remove the keystore file:
[Installed Drive]\tibco\tsnm\7.x.x\nm\trust
7) On _each_ TSNM machine, edit the nodemanager.properties file located at:
[Installed Drive]\tibco\tsnm\7.x.x\nm\config\
7a) Replace the hostname values for "nodemanager.host.names","server.name","nodemanager.supervisor.known" with their respective IP addresses.
7b) Save the nodemanager.properties file.
8) On EACH of the TSS machines, launch a command prompt as administrator and navigate to "[Installed Drive]\tibco\tss\7.x.x\tomcat\bin" folder, then execute the following command:
<config.bat or ./config.sh> set-addresses -A<enter the ip address of the current Spotfire Server machine you've logged on to>
Example: If the IP address to be updated is, then the command will look like one of these examples:
config.bat set-addresses -A10.10.20.30
./config.sh set-addresses -A10.10.20.30
9) Once all of the above steps are complete, start the services on the Spotfire Server(s) and Node Manager(s).
10) Login to the Spotfire Administration User Interface (Spotfire Server URL) as an administrator, then go to Nodes & Services -> untrusted nodes and trust each node.