How to update frequency of bookmark synchronization in Spotfire

How to update frequency of bookmark synchronization in Spotfire


Article ID: KB0070812


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Products Versions
Spotfire Server -


The purpose of the bookmark synchronization is to be able to update the User Interface(UI) so that the user will see the current set of bookmarks. It's default value is 60 seconds. This means that the user may have to wait up to 60 seconds before they can see a new bookmark/s that is created (by other users or by themselves) for instances of an analysis that are executing on other web player worker hosts. Similarly, it may take up to 60 seconds before a bookmark that is deleted gets removed from the UI.
For more information reading bookmarks, please refer:


There may be requirements when user need to increase/decrease the bookmark synchronization frequency in Spotfire. This article provides instructions to update the bookmark synchronization frequency for analyst and web player.




For Analyst and Web Player: To update the bookmark synchronization frequency for both analyst client and the web player, please follow below instructions:
  1. Login to TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client with Spotfire Admin privilege
  2. Go to Tools > Administration Manager
  3. Select Preference tab
  4. Select the desired group for which you want to update the bookmark synchronization frequency. You can select "Everyone" to update the frequency for all users.
  5. In the right hand side pane, select:  Expand Bookmarks > Bookmark Preference > Click Edit
  6. Enter the desired frequency value in section next to Minimum Synchronization interval (seconds) and click OK.
  7. After this, close the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client and open it again to ensure the changes made are active.

Only for Web Player: To update the bookmark synchronization frequency only on web players, please follow below instructions:
  1. Go to Admin Console >> Nodes&Services >> Expand the node and select the web player service. Check which configuration you are using, is it default or any custom configuration.
  2. Go to the Spotfire server machine and open the command prompt as an Administrator
  3. Run one of the below commands to export the configuration:
    • If default: config export-service-config --capability=WEB_PLAYER --deployment-area=Production --force
    • else if custom: config export-service-config --config-name=yourconfignamehere --force
  4. After successfully exporting, go to <server installation directory>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root directory and edit Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config.
  5. Change the Bookmarks_MinimumSynchronizationIntervalSeconds to your desired frequency as per the following snippet(by default value, 60) and then save the file.
    <setting name="Bookmarks_MinimumSynchronizationIntervalSeconds" serializeAs="String">
  6. Open command prompt and run: config import-service-config --config-name=enternewconfigname
  7. After successfully importing the updated configuration, go to Node&Services > select the web player service/s > Edit > Select the updated configuration(name that you provided in the last step) and Save.
  8. The node would get restarted after saving and the updated configuration would get active.

  1. If bookmark frequency is updated in both preferences and the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config file for web player then, the value set in preferences would take precedence.
  2. Setting the bookmark synchronization frequency to a higher value(say 120 seconds) means that the user may have to wait up longer before they can see bookmarks created or deleted from the User Interface.

Additional Information

KBA: Details of bookmark synchronization works:  Doc: Spotfire Administration Manager User Guide: Doc: How to manually edit service configuration:​​​​