For Analyst and Web Player: To update the bookmark synchronization frequency for both analyst client and the web player, please follow below instructions:
- Login to TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client with Spotfire Admin privilege
- Go to Tools > Administration Manager
- Select Preference tab
- Select the desired group for which you want to update the bookmark synchronization frequency. You can select "Everyone" to update the frequency for all users.
- In the right hand side pane, select: Expand Bookmarks > Bookmark Preference > Click Edit
- Enter the desired frequency value in section next to Minimum Synchronization interval (seconds) and click OK.
- After this, close the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client and open it again to ensure the changes made are active.
Only for Web Player: To update the bookmark synchronization frequency only on web players, please follow below instructions:
- Go to Admin Console >> Nodes&Services >> Expand the node and select the web player service. Check which configuration you are using, is it default or any custom configuration.
- Go to the Spotfire server machine and open the command prompt as an Administrator
- Run one of the below commands to export the configuration:
- If default: config export-service-config --capability=WEB_PLAYER --deployment-area=Production --force
- else if custom: config export-service-config --config-name=yourconfignamehere --force
- After successfully exporting, go to <server installation directory>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root directory and edit Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config.
- Change the Bookmarks_MinimumSynchronizationIntervalSeconds to your desired frequency as per the following snippet(by default value, 60) and then save the file.
<setting name="Bookmarks_MinimumSynchronizationIntervalSeconds" serializeAs="String">
- Open command prompt and run: config import-service-config --config-name=enternewconfigname
- After successfully importing the updated configuration, go to Node&Services > select the web player service/s > Edit > Select the updated configuration(name that you provided in the last step) and Save.
- The node would get restarted after saving and the updated configuration would get active.
- If bookmark frequency is updated in both preferences and the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config file for web player then, the value set in preferences would take precedence.
- Setting the bookmark synchronization frequency to a higher value(say 120 seconds) means that the user may have to wait up longer before they can see bookmarks created or deleted from the User Interface.