How to use 'Enable Access Logs' option availabe at HTTPConnector? Where these logs generated?

How to use 'Enable Access Logs' option availabe at HTTPConnector? Where these logs generated?


Article ID: KB0075684


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.3.2 (and above)


How to use the Enable Access Logs option available at HTTPConnector?

There is an option available on HTTPConnector shared resource to enable the access logs for your HTTP service. For every request, logs are created to capture all attempts to access the servers. You can enable HTTP logging by selecting the Enable Access Logs check box in the HTTP Connector Resource shared resource. By default, logging is disabled. 


When using the Enable Access Logs option, where to find the generated access logs for the service?




When & Where will these logs be generated?
These logs will only be available after you enable the debug logging for your application. If debug logging from logback.xml is disabled, then these logs will not be generated. The logs always available in the appnode.log or console logs.


1). When testing from Studio:
- Check the Enable Access Logs in the Advance tab of HTTP connector resource.
- Go to run/debug configurations -> Advanced -> Logging Configuration : select 'logback_leveldebug.xml' from bw\6.x\config\design\logback\

2). When testing it from TEA UI:
- Deploy the application on a TEA server.
- Enable the debug logging for appnode.
- Check the appnode.log file.
- Check for log contents similar to the following:

2017-01-06 16:26:17.609 INFO [bwResourceHTTPConnector.qtp-112] - [HTTP Connector: mpandav-t450:6565] mpandav-t450 - - [06/Jan/2017:16:26:17 +0530] "GET /?hello HTTP/1.1" 200 41 "-"

"Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1" - 32 32

[NOTE: The access logs only  available under debug logs]

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