Products | Versions |
Spotfire Statistica | 13.2,13.3 |
On Statistica 12.7 and later versions, this node is present in the examples folder. With Version 13.3 and later versions, this node is part of the product. To use the node, follow the below steps.
1. Ensure that filtering criteria is enabled on the dependent data configuration. Refer to this KB to see how non-interactive filtering can be enabled
2. Create an ad-hoc analysis configuration from the dependent data configuration if one is not present already.
3. From Statistica Home tab, select Open| Open Examples | Workspaces | Example_Enterprise Ad Hoc Analysis with Input Data.sdm. Click on Open. You may type "Enterprise" in the feature finder or find it in the node browser if you are using Statistica 13.3 or newer version.
4. Copy the node named "Enterprise Ad Hoc Analysis with Input Data (Example)" to the workspace of interest ( the workspace that needs to use a downstream document in a workspace as filter for an Enterprise ad-hoc analysis configuration).
5. Open the node Enterprise Ad Hoc Analysis with Input Data (Example) and select the ad-hoc Analysis configuration referred to in Step 4.
6. To pass filtering criteria from the spreadsheet to the Ad-hoc analysis, enter SQL criteria in the syntax : [LOGICAL_OPERATOR]=>[QUERY_NAME]=>[FIELD_NAME]=>[REFERENCE_VALUES]=>[SQL OPERATORS].
This is explained in detail below:
7. When the node is run, the results will be equivalent of results of the query with values contained in the referenced spreadsheet used as a filtering criteria.