How to use LDAP attributes to define permission Roles used in TIBCO BusinessEvents Webstudio access control files

How to use LDAP attributes to define permission Roles used in TIBCO BusinessEvents Webstudio access control files


Article ID: KB0074876


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.3.0/5-4.0


The WebStudio user permission roles are configured in access control files (ACL) to define access permissions for each project. By default, LDAP group names and memberships are used. When a user is a member of multiple groups the users have to select the role permission for the new session when they login to WebStudio.

Another option is to define a single LDAP attribute and set the role permission as an attribute value for each user. The following changes are required in BE_HOME/bin/RMS.cdd to use an LDAP attribute.

- disable CDD property be.auth.ldap.type
- update CDD property be.auth.ldap.roleAttr (LDAP attribute used to define users permission role)
- update be.auth.ldap.useRoleDN  (set it to true)
-> LDAP attribute rmsRole defines the ACL role like "Administrator", "Business-User" etc.
           <property-group comment="" name="LDAP">
               <property name="be.auth.type" type="string" value="ldap"/>
               <!-- <property name="be.auth.ldap.type" value="openldap"/> -->
               <property name="" value="localhost"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.port" value="10389"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.adminDN" value="uid=admin,ou=User,ou=beGroup,ou=system"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.adminPassword" value="xxxx"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.baseDN" value="ou=system"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.roleAttr" value="rmsRole"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.uidattr" value="uid"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.objectClass" value="*"/>
               <property name="be.auth.ldap.useRoleDN" value="true"/>
All users with a valid LDAP account are able to login to WebStudio but only users with a valid permission role are able to work with projects and/or approve changes depending on the permissions defined in the ACL file. 


Required configuration changes to use an LDAP attribute to define the Role for the logged in LDAP user instead of using group memberships in BE Webstudio ACL files.


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