How to use Statistica menu "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF" to print multiple workbook items to a single PDF file
Article ID: KB0082157
Updated On:
Spotfire Statistica
12.0 and higher
STATNOVAPDF driver has to be installed in order to print or save documents as PDF files in Statistica. Once Statistica print PDF functionality is properly set, user can use menu option "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF" to save Statistica items to PDF files.
This article introduces how to use Statistica menu "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF" to print multiple workbook items to a single PDF file.
Statistica menu "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF"
When selecting a parent folder with multiple child items or a subset of multiple child items in a workbook to print as PDF file with this printing option "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF", it is designed to print the multiple selected items one by one. User can either save them into separate PDF files or append the multiple items into a single PDF file.
1. After "File | Print | Print | StatNovaPDF" option is selected, below dialog will appear to print the first one of the selected multiple items. User can assign a new file name to create a new PDF file or check option "Append to existing PDF file" to append the first item to an existing PDF file. User can check the option "Open PDF with default viewer" if user want to view the pdf file printed.
In this illustration, a new PDF file name is assigned to print the 1stitem with "Append to existing PDF file" and "Open PDF with default viewer" options both Unchecked.
Click Ok, a new PDF file is created with the 1st item printed.
2. The printing dialog still remains to continue print the 2nd selected item. User can assign a new PDF file name if want to print it in a separate PDF file. Or can keep the same pdf file name and check option "Append to existing PDF file" and uncheck option "Open PDF with default viewer" to have the 2nd item appended to the 1st printed item.
In this illustration, we chose to append the 2nd item to the 1st printed item with "Append to existing PDF file" Checked and "Open PDF with default viewer" Unchecked.
Click Ok. The 2nd selected item is appended to the previously saved PDF file which has the 1st item printed. Each item is added on a new page.
3. The printing dialog still remains to continue print the 3rd selected item. Similarly, user can assign a new PDF file name if want to print it in a separate PDF file. Or can keep the same pdf file name and Check option "Append to existing PDF file" and uncheck option "Open PDF with default viewer" to have the 3rd item appended to previously saved PDF file.
4. User would need to continuously repeat clicking on the printing dialog as instructed in step 2 and 3, till the last selected item is done. - Make sure to keep the same PDF file name and check option "Append to existing PDF file" if to append all selected items in a single PDF file. - Make sure the PDF file is closed when appending of items to that PDF file is being done, since Statistica would fail to write to a PDF file that is being opened.
In this illustration, all selected items are printed/appended to a single PDF file, with each item printed on a new page.