Prerequisites for this to work successfully:
1. Must have NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as a user in the SQL database (which is typically exists already) and also needs to add the system user of the machine where Statistica is to be installed. It will look something like: domain\machine_name$. The user should be given database owner permissions.
2. Must have all Windows users who will use the Statistica application as users of the SQL database.
To create or add the machine system user (and the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user if it is missing), complete the following steps:
- In the SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer
- Click Server_instance_name--> Security--> Logins
- Right-click Logins and select New Login
- On the General page, in the Login name field, type the name of a Windows user (it is important to type the name of the user as a search will not be able to find the user)
- Select Windows authentication.
- Select the Statistica database as the default database (in the example below, this is named SEWSS_Win):
Note: The workstation install will work as usual, per the instructions on page 24 here: However, every Windows user who will have Statistica installed on their workstation/client will also need to be added to the SQL database in order to launch Statistica.
To add Windows users to SQL, complete the following steps:
- In the SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer
- Click Server_instance_name--> Security--> Logins
- Right-click Logins and select New Login
- On the General page, in the Login name field, type or search for the Windows user
- Select Windows authentication.
- Select the Statistica database as the "Default database":
7. Select the "User Mapping" page, select the Statistica database (in this example, it is named SEWSS_Win), and select db_datareader and db_datawriter and click the OK button:
Note: Why use Windows NT Integrated Security? Windows NT Integrated security is more secure than SQL Authentication. See the first Important note here: