DES (Data Entry Setup) Export and DES Import is built for the use case where a user would like to export a Data Entry Setup from one environment and import into another. Note that the samples of the Data Entry setup will not be exported/imported in this method. As an Enterprise Administrator, you can export Enterprise spreadsheet data entry setups, labels and characteristics to Excel files to manipulate and manage large numbers of objects, and import the updated objects back into the Statistica spreadsheet.
Article details how DES (Data Entry Setup) Export and DES Import can be used
PREREQUISITES: A Data Entry Setup (including labels and characteristics) that can be exported into another environment Same folder structure in the environment where Data Entry setup is to be imported. A User with administrator privileges in Statistica Enterprise Manager
How to use DES Export: 1. Launch Statistica if it hasn't been launched already (From Enterprise manager | Tools or as a stand alone application) 2. Click on the Enterprise tab and then click on DES Export in the data section
3. You can choose to either export all selected DES (Data Entry Setup) objects from a folder or migrate just a specific Data Entry Setup.You can include subfolders if the migration of the entire folder is being executed.Selecting "Select Enterprise folders" will export all data entry setup objects within an Enterprise folder (A user can choose include sub folders to recursively select data entry objects withing child folders. Select Specific object will allow the user to export a specific data Entry setup or label or characteristic. Enabling the Export DES Labels and Export DES characteristics will ensure that all inputs of Data Entry setup are exported
4. For the purpose of this example we will choose to select specific object.
5. Select a Data Entry Setup already defined in the environment. Click OK.
6. Choose a folder to save the excel file. Click OK
7. Statistica will give a report of the labels,characteristics and data entry setups that were exported
8. Depending on the Inputs of the Data Entry Setup chosen for the export there will be 2-3 Excel files generated in the path chosen for output.
Note : You may make changes using the excel file, if needed such as :Replace all labels named Calib to Calibration before the import and save the file
How to use DES Import: 1. Launch Statistica if it hasn't been launched already in the environment where Data Entry setup is to be imported (From Enterprise manager | Tools or as a stand alone application) 2. Click on the Enterprise tab and then click on DES Import in the data section
3. Browse to the location of the Excel file(s). Choose all the files to be imported and click on Open
4. If Audit log reason is enabled, provide an Audit log reason. Click OK. (Note: click OK, Not Enter)
5. Import completes with a report of Data Entry objects imported.
6. You may optionally verify the import by switching to Enterprise Manager and clicking on the Refresh button