How to view special characters hidden in the file for multiple markers error

How to view special characters hidden in the file for multiple markers error


Article ID: KB0072748


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 10.x and later


When you copy the file path and mention the path in the parameters of the HOCON configuration file as mentioned below , you will see the multiple marker error as shown in the below screenshot.

dataAreaPath = "${dataAreaPath:-‪C:/Users/tsisbq1/Desktop/mahesh/recovery}"

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To resolve the "multiple marker errors" due to special characters hidden in the configuration files


StreamBase Studio only wants UTF-8 characters in the config files and this is the default Eclipse/text editor functionality. As you have default encoding as UTF-8, hidden characters are not seen. However to see the special characters, you need change the encoding of a config file by right-clicking the file in the project explorer-> Properties and changing the "Text File Encoding" to something else, such as US-ASCII as shown in the below snippet. By doing this, the special characters become visible and can be deleted.

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