If we have multiple TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) servers in a cluster, can some of them be on Linux and others on Windows?

If we have multiple TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) servers in a cluster, can some of them be on Linux and others on Windows?


Article ID: KB0080349


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistics Services All supported versions


If we have multiple TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) servers in a cluster, can some of them be on Linux and others on Windows? 


If there are multiple TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) servers in a cluster, can some of them be on Linux and others on Windows?


All supported environments


No. All members of a TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) cluster must be installed on the same operating system: all on Linux, or all on Windows. Mixing of operating systems within a TSSS cluster is not a supported configuration.

The cluster share contains platform-specific files (such as the binary files for the TERR or open-source R statistical engine) that are shared across all members of the cluster. These must all be for the same operating system.