"IgniteSpiException: Failed to retrieve Ignite pods IP addresses" when deploying BE app in K8S

"IgniteSpiException: Failed to retrieve Ignite pods IP addresses" when deploying BE app in K8S


Article ID: KB0072918


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.6 and later


When deploying our BE application in our Kubernetes (K8S) environment, using the BE-provided Helm charts, we see the following error:
class org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiException: Failed to retrieve Ignite pods IP addresses



Outlines a common error that occurs if an incorrect K8S namspace is referenced by the BE application.


Inspect the _helpers.tpl under be-tools/cloud/kubernetes/helm/templates/ (and other files in this directory, if being used). For example..
- name: "tra.be.ignite.k8s.namespace"
  value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
Ensure the namespace you are referencing in the _helpers.tpl is correct. If not otherwise specified, the namespace will default to the value of 'default'. To confirm the available namespaces in your K8S environment, run 'kubectl get namespace'.